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Thursday, August 23, 2012

What are the Setup Tables?

What are the Setup Tables?

The Setup Tables are the objects from which the Business Warehouse system is going to extract data for Full loads and Initialization on LO Cockpit DataSources. Not just "LO DataSources" because there are some that don't use this feature.

When a Full extraction or a Delta Initialization is going to be performed, the Setup Tables need to be filled with all the historical data to be loaded to the Business Warehouse system. 

Their content can be deleted any time, without affecting the R/3 transaction data.  In fact, after the full/Init load has been performed, it is highly likely that the information contained in the Setup Tables is already not up-to-date anymore. Therefore, it would be no harm at all to delete their content. You may think of it as a "PSA" on the R/3 side.

If the load performed was an Initialization, the next records to be extracted will be sent to the Delta Queues.

 A Myth

It isn't 100% true to say that the reason for the Setup Tables is to ensure the extractors won't need to access the always busy application tables (like EKKO or VBAK). The application tables are still read during the setup running.

Setup Tables Nomenclature

The base nomenclature for these tables is MC*SETUP. It may not be easy to find the actual name you may be looking for, but if you display some in se11/se16 you may figure it out by the description.

I created the following Wiki page with the Setup Tables names:

BW Setup Tables List

Setup Table
02Purchasing2LIS_02_ACCMC02M_0ACCSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC02M_0ACC
Purchasing2LIS_02_CGRMC02M_0CGRSETUPBW-Rebuild for MC02M_0CGR Storage
Purchasing2LIS_02_HDRMC02M_0HDRSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OHDR
Purchasing2LIS_02_ITMMC02M_0ITMSETUP              Storage BW Setup for MC02M_OITM
Purchasing2LIS_02_SCLMC02M_0SCLSETUPStorage BW Setup for MC02M_OSCL
Purchasing2LIS_02_SCNMC02M_0SCNSETUP              BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SCN Storage
Purchasing2LIS_02_SGRMC02M_0SGRSETUP              BW-Rebuild for MC02M_0SGR Storage
03Inventory Controlling2LIS_03_BFMC03BF0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03BF0
Inventory Controlling2LIS_03_BXMC03BX0SETUPBW Stock Initialization Storage for MC03BF
Inventory Controlling2LIS_03_UMMC03UM0SETUPSave BW Reorganization for MC03UM0
04Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_P_ARBPLMC04P_0ARBSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0ARB
Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_P_COMPMC04P_0COMSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0COM
Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_P_MATNRMC04P_0MATSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC04P_0MAT
Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_PEARBPLMC04PE0ARBSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB
Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_PECOMPMC04PE0COMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0COM
Production / Shop Floor Control2LIS_04_PEMATNRMC04PE0MATSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0MAT
05Quality Management2LIS_05_Q0ACTYMC05Q00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notif. Activity)
Quality Management2LIS_05_Q0CAUSEMC05Q00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00CSE (Notification Cause)
Quality Management2LIS_05_Q0ITEMMC05Q00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00ITM (Notification Item)
Quality Management2LIS_05_Q0NOTIFMC05Q00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00NTF (Notification)
Quality Management2LIS_05_Q0TASKMC05Q00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC05Q00TSK (Notification Task)
Quality Management2LIS_05_QE1MC05Q1_INSPSETUP             BW Reorganization Store for MC05Q1_0INSP (Check Results)
Quality Management2LIS_05_QE2MC05Q2_INSPSETUP             BW Reorganization for MC05Q2_0INSP (Inspection Results)
Quality Management2LIS_05_QVUDNMC05QV0UDNSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC05QV0UDN (Usage Decision)
06Invoice Verification2LIS_06_INVMC06M_0ITMSETUPFolder: BW Setup for MC06M_0ITM
08Transport/ Shipment/
Shipment Costs
2LIS_08TRFKPMC08TR0FKPSETUP              Storage BW Reorganization for MC08TR0FKP
Transport/ Shipment/
Shipment Costs
2LIS_08TRFKZMC08TR0FKZSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0FKZ
Transport/ Shipment/
Shipment Costs
2LIS_08TRTKMC08TR0TKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TK
Transport/ Shipment/
Shipment Costs
2LIS_08TRTLPMC08TR0TLPSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TLP
Transport/ Shipment/
Shipment Costs
2LIS_08TRTSMC08TR0TSSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC08TR0TS
11SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_V_ITMMC11V_0ITMSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0ITM
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_V_SCLMC11V_0SCLSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_V_SSLMC11V_0SSLSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC11V_0SCL
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VAHDRMC11VA0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0HDR
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VAITMMC11VA0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0ITM
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VAKONMC11VA0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC11VA0KON
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VASCLMC11VA0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC11VA0SCL
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VASTHMC11VA0STHSETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0STH
SD Sales Orders2LIS_11_VASTIMC11VA0STISETUPBW New Structure Store for MC11VA0ST
12LE Deliveries / Shipping2LIS_12_VCHDRMC12VC0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0HDR
LE Deliveries / Shipping2LIS_12_VCITMMC12VC0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0ITM
LE Deliveries / Shipping2LIS_12_VCSCLMC12VC0SCLSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC12VC0SCL
13SD Billing Documents2LIS_13_VDHDRMC13VD0HDRSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0HDR
SD Billing Documents2LIS_13_VDITMMC13VD0ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC13VD0ITM
SD Billing Documents2LIS_13_VDKONMC13VD0KONSETUPStorage BW Reconstruction for MC13VD0KON
17Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I0ACTYMC17I00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ACT (Notif. Activity)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I0CAUSEMC17I00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00CSE(Notification Cause)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I0ITEMMC17I00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00ITM (Notification Item)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I0NOTIFMC17I00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00NTF (Notification)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I0TASKMC17I00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC17I00TSK (Notification Task)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I3HDRMC17I30HDRSETUPStore BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order)
Plant Maintenance2LIS_17_I3OPERMC17I30OPRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process)
18Customer Service2LIS_18_I0ACTYMC18I00ACTSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notif. Activity)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I0CAUSEMC18I00CSESETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00CSE(Notification Cause)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I0ITEMMC18I00ITMSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00ITM (Notification Item)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I0NOTIFMC18I00NTFSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00NTF (Notification)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I0TASKMC18I00TSKSETUPBW Reorganization Store for MC18I00TSK (Notification Task)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I3HDRMC18I30HDRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC18I30HDR (Order)
Customer Service2LIS_18_I3OPERMC18I30OPRSETUPStore BW Reconstruction for MC18I30OPR (Process)
40Retail / Retailing2LIS_40_REVALMC40RP0REVSETUP              BW Reorganization Store for MC04PE0ARB
45Agency Business2LIS_45_CDLSTMC45CD0LSTSETUP              Folder: BW Setup for MC45CDLST
Agency Business2LIS_45_PDLSTMC45PD0LSTSETUP              Folder: BW Setup for MC45PD0LST (Posting List)
Agency Business2LIS_45_VDLSTMC45VD0LSTSETUP               Folder: BW Setup for MC45VD0LST (Settlement Vendor)
Agency Business2LIS_45_HDRMC45W_0HDRSETUP               Folder: BW setup for MC45W_0HDR
Agency Business2LIS_45_ITMMC45W_0ITMSETUP              Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0ITM
Agency Business2LIS_45_LSTMC45W_0LSTSETUP              Folder: BW Setup for MC45W_0LST
I tried to list all the tables I could find. I didn't list them all here in this post, because there is a large number of Setup Tables. It is better to put that in a Wiki, just so you guys can add more names you find, or correct mistakes. Let's work together on that.

If you need to quickly find the name of a name, just Control+F this Wiki!

Procedures involving the Setup

Well, it does sound pretty simple if you consider only the purpose of the Setup Tables. The part which would turn this subject eligible for a blog post is how to properly handle these tables in various possible activities.

I have composed a list of step-by-step explanations for some procedures that, in a way or another, end up involving Setup Tables somehow. I'll also mention what are the common consequences of not performing these activities correctly.

Deleting Setup Tables Content

1- To delete the Setup Tables, you may go directly to LBWG or choose the following IMG option (transaction SBIW).
IMG path: 
 - Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse
  - Settings for Application-Specific DataSources (PI)
   - Logistics
    - Managing Extract Structures
     - Initialization
      >>Delete the Contents of the Setup Tables
2- Select the application for which you want the Setup Tables to be deleted.

3- Click on "Execute" or press F8.

How can you check if the content was properly deleted?
You may check the correspondent Setup Table or perform an extraction check for the relevant extractors in RSA3.

Filling Setup Tables

1- Before filling the Setup Tables, you need to ensure at least 1 extractor for the application is active in LBWE.

2- To enter the transactions to perform the setup, you may either go directly to one of the following transactions, or choose one of te options from the SBIW menu displayed below.

 Inventory Controlling
 Production / Shop Floor Control
 Quality Management
 Invoice Verification
 Transport /Shipment
 Shipment Costs
 SD Sales Orders
 LE Deliveries / Shipping
 SD Billing Documents
 Plant Maintenance
 Customer Service
 Retail / Retailing
 Agency Business


IMG path: 
 - Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse
  - Settings for Application-Specific DataSources (PI)
   - Logistics
    - Managing Extract Structures
     - Initialization
      - Filling the Setup Tables
       >> Application-Specific Setup of Statistical data

3- Specify a Run Name and Date (inform a future date).

4- Execute.

 Hint: You can check the logs for the Setup in Transaction NPRT.

How can you check the data that was filled?
You may check the correspondent Setup Table or perform an extraction check for the relevant extractors in RSA3.

Initialization or Full Loads

  1. Delete the Setup Tables contents from the relevant application number.
  2. Lock all users and terminate all scheduled jobs that could affect the application. In particular, you must deactivate the start of the RMBWV3xx update report.
  3. Then load the delta data from R/3 into BW, so that the delta queue (transaction RSA7) no longer contains any data.
  4. Fill the Setup Tables.
  5. If the datasource supports early delta initialization (ROOSOURCE-ZDDABLE field), you may unlock the users and return regular activities.
  6. Run the InfoPackage.
  7. If the datasource doesn't support early delta initialization (ROOSOURCE-ZDDABLE field), you'll be able unlock the users and return regular activities only after the Init request has finished in the BW system.

More details on SAP's recommedations can be found on the following SAP Note:
602260 - Procedure for reconstructing data for BW.

The performance on the construction of the Setup Tables can be improved, with the following SAP Note:
436393 - Performance improvement for filling the setup tables.

What happens if you don't fill the Setup Tables before performing a full or delta initialization? 
If you have deleted the content or has never filled them before: No data is extracted.
If you have already filled it and haven't deleted the content: the data extracted won't be up to date.

What happens if you don't delete the Setup Tables before performing a full or delta initialization? 
If you don't refill them: the data extracted won't be up to date.
If you refill them: there is a risk you will have duplicate records.

Extractors Maintenance

  1. Lock users out of R/3.
  2. Deletion of the contents of Setup Tables for specific applications in transaction LBWG.
  3. Run the collective run, so all the data is sent into the delta queues.
  4. Empty BW delta queues on R/3 by extraction to BW.
  5. Apply the changes / Transport.
  6. Unlock users out of R/3.
  7. Run the collective run so all the data are sent into the delta queue.
  8. Recommence extraction into BW from the modified R/3.

The following SAP Note contains more information about this:
328181 - Changes to extraction structures in Customizing Cockpit.

What happens if you maintain the extractors with data in the Setup Tables or in the Delta Queues?
When you apply the changes (via transport, for example), there is a chance inconsistencies will be generated in the structure of the extractor. The job that collects data for deltas, for example, may start to fail. 
It may also appear that delta records were lost. This records are actually written into the extraction queue or in SM13, however it's not possible to read them, because of the differences in the structure.
Note that even if you are adding a new extractor that didn't exist before, this may also affect the existing extractors.
If inconsistencies are found or records are missed, the solution is to perform a Full Repair load or to reinitialize the DataSource. For some applications, you may use the Hash Solution to recover them. The following SAP Note describes this procedure:
835466 - Using the repair mode of the hash solution.
(I'll make sure I do post  new post just about the Hash Solution)
In case of missing records, you may also run a Full Infopackage in Repair Mode. You should be able to identify, though, which documents need to me contained in this repair.

R/3 Upgrades

In upgrades, a check was introduced to make sure this procedure is followed. SAP Support's recommendation is to follow the steps listed below, when performing an upgrade.

  1. Lock users out of R/3.
  2. Deletion of the Setup Tables contents for specific applications in transaction LBWG.
  3. Run the collective run so all the data are sent into the delta queue.
  4. Empty the BW delta queues on R/3 by extraction to BW:
  5. Start prepare phase on R/3 including generation of shadow instance.
  6. Return R/3 productive instance to users.
  7. Recommence normal extraction from R/3 to BW, while upgrading shadow instance.
  8. Lock users out of R/3.
  9. Run the collective run so all the data is sent into the delta queue.
  10. Empty BW delta queues on R/3 by extraction to BW.
  11. Final upgrade of productive instance.
  12. Return upgraded system to users.
  13. Re-commence extraction into BW from upgraded R/3.

SAP Note 1081287 contains a Step-by-Step explanation about cleaning up the Setup Tables and the Delta queues during an upgrade.
1081287 - Data extraction orders block the upgrade process.

As you may be wondering, the act of locking the users in step 1 and 8 isn't the automatic lock the upgrades performs. You will need to lock the users yourself, with transaction SU10, for example. The main purpose is to prevent that data is sent to the extraction queues or Setup Tables.

What happens if you don't properly clean up the Setup Tables in an upgrade?
The consequences are basically the same as changing an extractor: inconsistencies and missing delta records. In this situation, the Hash-Solution isn't really a good option, because the upgrade may have delievered changes on way too many structures. The risk of generating more inconsistencies with the Hash-Solution is great.

Plug-in upgrade or plug-in patch upgrade, support package upgrade or Unicode conversion

SAP Support's recommended Step-by-Step for these activities is very similar to maintaining an extractor.

  1. Lock users out of R/3.
  2. Deletion of the contents of Setup Tables for specific applications in transaction LBWG.
  3. Run the collective run so all the data are sent into the delta queue. 
  4. Empty BW delta queues on R/3 by extraction to BW.
  5. Apply one of these processes: plug-in upgrade or plug-in patch upgrade; support package upgrade; transports; manual changes; Unicode conversion.
  6. Unlock users out of R/3.
  7. Run the collective run so all the data are sent into the delta queue.
  8. Recommence extraction into BW from modified R/3.


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