Following is youtube link which explains the BW architecture in very efficient way. The video needs to be appreciated in the way it captured the wholestic view and interaction between various sections in BW throughout version 3.5 , 7.0 . Awaiting video on 7.3 ( BW 3.5 architecture) (BW 7.0 archetecture)
How to search for the data in PSA – choice 1.
Once you are working with SAP Business Warehouse (BW) your job is about data analysis most likely. You need to find check the data in data targets (info cubes/ODSs) explore how data got into these objects, what is the transformation logic and when the bug is somewhere here to compare the data in source or in the PSA area with the data in targets.
One of the ways how to search for the data in PSA is described in following material. First navigate to your DataSource in PSA tree within Modeling section in Administrator section in TA RSA1 and choose “Delete PSA data” item from right click menu:
On next screen that appears scroll to right first section of screen and try to find field called “DDIC table of the PSA”. The content of this field is dictationary table of the PDA data.
You can browse it in SE 11 for instance:
Here you can choose “Contents” icon or use keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F10.
SDN Articles - BI Modelling
List Of Articles:
1) Data Source
2) DSO (Data Store Object)
Step by Step Procedure for DSO Creation
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1: Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1: Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 3: Direct Update DSO
Step by Step Procedure for DSO Creation
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1: Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1: Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 3: Direct Update DSO
3) Info Cube
InfoProvider Redesign Functions- Part 1: Repartitioning
InfoProvider Redesign Functions- Part 2: Remodeling
Logical Data Partitioning of the Info-Cubes
Reading Enhanced DataSource Fields for the Remote Cube
SAP BI - Virtual Infocube based on Function Module (Transport History)
Step-By-Step Guide to Virtual InfoCube Implementation
Virtual InfoCube - Implementation in BW 7.0
SAP BI Positioning the InfoCube in BI
Info Cube creation Step by Step in SAP BI
4) Info Objects
Compounding in Infoobject and Analyzing the Infoobject in a Query
Creating New Unit of Measure in SAP BW
Creation of Key Figures with Higher Decimal Place Precision
Different Types of Characteristic Info Object Tables and its Structures in SAP BI 7.0
How to Enable Authorization on Navigational Attribute
5) Info Set
Better View of InfoSets in SAP BW
Copying Queries Between InfoSets
Interpreting Query Results using InfoSets and the Concept of Temporal Join with Practical Scenarios
Steps to Create Infoset using InfoObject and DSO
6) Multi Provider
Consistency Issues in MultiProviders - BI 7.0
Multi Provider Creation Based on Sales and Planning Info Cubes
Step by Step procedure for multi provider creation
7) Open Hub Destination (OHD) and APD
Analysis Process Designer: Step by Step Process for Formatting the Query Extract
APD to Update Marketing Attributes from SAP BI to SAP CRM
APDs and Open hubs Sending SAP BW Data to 3rd Party
InfoSpokes and OpenHubs in SAP BIInsert Custom Header and Remove Trailing Commas from APD Generated (or any)-CSV file
Join and Union options in APD
Open Hub Destination - Basics
Open Hub Destination - Make use of Navigational Attributes
Open Hub Destination-Use Same Logical Path for Multiple Directories
SAP BW Infospoke – Dynamic Update Selection Screen Values
8) RDA (Realtime Data Acquistition)
How to do Real-Time Data Acquisition trough Web Service (Push Method)
Real Time Data Acquisition (RDA) – Overview and Step-by-Step Guide (SAPI and Web Services)
RDA – Step by Step
Real Time Data Acquisition (RDA) Steps - Business Intelligence
9) Miscellaneous
0RECORDMODE and Delta Type Concepts in Delta Management
Record Mode Concept in Delta Management
Aggregation of Key Figures
ALE Settings for Communication between a BW System and an SAP System
Basics of Non – Cumulative Key Figures
Direct Access to Source System Data using VirtualProviders
SAP BW - Virtual Characteristic (Multiprovider & Infoset) - RSR_OLAP_BADI
Introduction to Database:
The main purpose of database is to store
data and this data can be used for later purpose (analysis). Any big Enterprise
we consider, they always store their business data into database. So that they
use this data for analyzing their business.
Any database like (Oracle , Ms Access, SQL
Server, Sybase ……) always store data in form of a structure called “TABLE”.
Table is set of ROWS and COLUMNS
Each Row in a table is referred as Record
It is a column in a database table which
can maintain uniqueness for all the records in the table. It can be used to
uniquely identify each and every record in the table
In above example: In the Customer Table the “Customer Number” is the Primary Key.
Every table must have a Primary Key (In
Exceptional Cases we can have a table without a primary)
we have 2 types of columns in a table.
Key Column
Non - Key Column
Key Column:- Column which is a part of Primary Key.
Non - Key Column:- Column which is not a part of Primary Key.
Non - Key Columns act as Attributes or Properties for Key Column.
2 or more columns act as the primary key in a table.
In above Example, Bill No & Sno
together act as the primary key in the database table, So this is referred as
Composite Key.
It is the limitation of the database that
we can only have a maximum of 16 columns act as the composite key.
When we store all the data in a single big
table, and we find the data being stored redundently/Duplicatly,we call it as
De-Normalized Table.
of De-Normalized Table:
1) Wasting Database Space
2) Complexity will be high.
Instead of storing the data in a single table,
we split the data into multiple smaller tables connected with Primary key -
Foreign Key where there is no data redundency - Normalized tables.
process of converting De-normalized tables into normalized tables by using
normalization forms.
a Primary key of one table takes part in the other table we call it as Foreign
Software Engineering process:
Whenever we develop a software we follow
the SDLC cycle . SDLC contains 5 steps:
- 1) Requirement Gathering
- 2) Design
- 3) Develop
- 4) Testing
- 5) Deploy
- 6) Maintenance & Support
At this phase we gather
the requirements from the end users and understand the business process.
As we know every
application will have the Front End (Interface Screens) & Back end
(Database). As part of this phase we will have to design the Front end screens
and Design the Database (Database design is referred in the Next Section)
At this phase by using
some Programming Language & some database we develop the software.
At this phase we test the
software, weather the software is working as per the user requirements or not.
Once the Software is
tedted perfectly we deploy the software at the client location. So that the
business can start using the software.
& Support:
Once the software is deployed, we will have to
provide the Maintenance & Support for any issues what the client/ Business
- Business / Business Process ....?
Set of Business activities / Transactions ...?(Selling & Buying, Sales
Order, Delivery,
When 2 or more entities or parties or objects interact with each other to perform an event.
Entity...?Any Object which can perform work by itself or which
we can use it to perform some work (Noun).
- Product
id,name,qty,price,cno,cname,date,time,branch,................ (Transaction
- Detailed information of an entity -
Master data
Applications & Types:
Programming Language is used to design the
frontend (i.e, Interface screens &Application logic)
Database is used to design the backend to
store data
Operating system to run the application
Concept is the reason for what the
application is designed for
We have 2 types of applications:
OLTP [Online Transaction
applications are mainly to record all the transactions of the business
OLAP[Online Analytical
application takes in all the transaction data from different OLTP applications
and provide the reports for analysis.
Database Design in OLTP:
ER Model [Entity Relationship Model] is
used to design the database for OLTP applications.
Database designed with ER Model is 2
Dimensional & it is completely normalized.
Database design in OLAP:
OLAP applications we store data in MDM[Multi Dimensional Format] by using the
following models:
- 1) Start Schema or Traditional Star schema
- 2) Extended Start schema or BW Star schema or BI star schema
- 3) Snow Flake
- 4) Hybrid
Star Schema:
Star schema is an MDM ( Multi Dimensional Model ) which contains Fact table / Transaction data Table at the center, surrounded by Dimension tables / Master Data Tables existing within the Cube.
These Dimension Tables / Master Data Tables are linked to the Fact table / Transaction data table with Primary Key – Foreign Key Relationship.
Difference between ER Model &
Star Schema
ER Model
Star Schema
Limitations or Dis-advantages of Star Schema:
Master Data is not Reused:
In Case of star schema,
Master data is stored inside the cube. So Master data cannot be reused in other
Degraded performance:
Since all the tables
inside the cube contains Alpha-numeric data, it degrades query performance.
Because processing of numeric’s is much faster than processing of
Limited Analysis:
In case of Star schema, we
are limited to only 16 dimensions.
Extended Star Schema:
In case of extended star schema, we will have Fact
table connected to the Dimension table and the Dimension table is connected to
the SID table and SID table is connected to the master data tables.
Fact Table and Dimension table will be inside the cube.
SID table and Master data tables are outside the cube
One Fact table can get connected to 16 Dimension
tables, one Dimension table can be assigned with maximum of 248 SID tables (248
Master data & SID tables:
Every characteristic Info Object will have its own SID
table to convert the Alpha-Numeric value to a Numeric value. But the Key figure
Info Object will not SID table because the keyfigure value is a numeric.
When ever we insert a value into the characteristic
Info Object, system will generate an SID number in the SID table which is a
numeric value
Each Characteristic can have its own master data tables
Attribute Table is used to store all the attribute or
properties data
Text table is used to store the description in multiple
Hier table is used to store the Parent-Child data.
As you can observe the in above picture, Material
Attribute table holds all the attribute information like (Material Group,
Material Price), Material Text table Holds Description in multiple languages.
So when we load master data, SID’s are generated in the
SID table.
Fact Table & Dimension Tables:
Fact Table:
Fact Table will have Dimension ID’s and Key figures.
Maximum DIM ID’s – 16
Maximum Keyfigure – 233
The Dimension ID’s in the Fact table is
connected to the Dimension Table.
Fact Table must have at least one Dimension
Dimension Table:
Dimension Table contains Dimension ID and
SID columns.
One column is used for Dimension ID
We have maximum of 248 SID Columns
We can assign maximum of 248
characteristics to one dimension.
When we load Transaction data into Info Cube, System
generates DIM ID based on the SID’s and uses the Dim ID’s in the Fact Table.
We can load the Transaction data without master data,
In this case system first inserts the Master data into Master data tables, then
generates the SID ID’s and based on these SID ID’d it generates DIM ID’s and
uses the DIM ID in the fact table.
Standards to Design Info Cube:
- If we have 2 characteristics which are related as 1:1 or 1:M, we should assign them to same Dimension table
- If we have 2 characteristics which are related as M:M, we should assign them to different Dimension tables
- Modeling of Characteristics:
- · If we model the Characteristic as an attribute of another Characteristic, It gives Present truth because the property of master data is overwrite.
- · If we model the Characteristic as a separate Characteristic and assign the Characteristic to an Dimension table, It gives Fact.
- Modeling of Keyfigures:
- · If we Model the Keyfigure as an attribute of another Characteristic, It gives present truth because the property of master data is overwrite.
- · If we model the keyfigure inside the Fact table, it gives fact because the property of Info cube is additive.
SAP BW Architecture:
Points to be Noted regarding SAP BW:
- In SAP BW we work with objects like (Info Cube, ODS, Info Source, data Source, Info Package, Update Rules, Transfer rules, BEx queries…….)
- In SAP BW we will have 2 types of Objects:
Standard or Business Content Objects:
These are the readymade Objects delivered
by SAP.
All the standarad objects will have their
technical name starting with the number 0.
All Business content objects will be in
delivered version.
Customized Objects:
These are the objects what we create as per
our requirements.
- Every Object in SAP BW will have the Technical name and Description
- Once the Object is created we cannot change the technical name but we can change the description
Info Area:
Info Area is like “Folder” in Windows.
It is used to organize the objects in SAP BW.
Info Object Catalogs:
Similar to Info Area, Info Object catalog is used to
organize the Info Objects based on their type.
So we will have Info objects catalogs of type
Characteristics & Key figures.
Info Objects:
It is the Basic unit or object in SAP BW used to create
any structures in SAP BW(Info Cube, ODS, Info Source…..)
Each field in the source system is referred as Info
Object in SAP BW.
We have 5 types of Info Objects:
- 1) Characteristic
- All Business subjects what we analyze
- Ex:- Customer Number, Material Group, Company Code, Employee Group
- 2) Key figure
- All Quantitative measures used to analyze the subjects
- Ex:-Price, Revenue, Qty, Number of employees, VAT %
- 3) Time Characteristic
- Characteristics which maintain Time factor information
- We cannot create the Time Characteristics
- 4) Unit Characteristic
- Characteristics which can be used to hold Currencies and units.
- We always have to create unit Characteristic by taking 0CURRENCY OR 0UNIT as the reference.
- 5) Technical Characteristic
- Characteristics which hold technical details like Request number, datapacket no, Record Number.
- Ex:- 0REQUID….
Info Cubes:
- Info Cube is an Multi-Dimensional Object which is used to store the transaction data.
- Info Cube contains Fact Table & Dimension Table
- Info Cube is referred as datatarget because it holds the data physically in it.
- Info cube is referred as Info Provider because we can do reporting on Info cube
- The property of Info Cube is additive.
- ODS stands for Operational data Store
- It is an 2 Dimensional object
- The property of ODS is overwrite
- We use ODS for staging the data and also detailed reporting
Info Source:
- Info Source defines communication structure
- Communication structure is a group of Info objects which are required to communicate the fields coming from the source system
- We have 2 types of Info Sources:
- Direct update
- Direct Update Info Source is used to load the master data objects
- Flexible Update
- Flexible update is used to load the transcation data to any data targets like(Info Cube, ODS)
Data Source:
- Data Source defines Transfer Structure
- Transfer Structure indicates what fields and in what sequence are they being transferred from the source sytem
- We have 4 types of datasource:
Attr: used to load master data attr
Text: Used to load text data
Hier: used to load hierarchy data
Transcation data: used tgo load transaction
data to Info cube or ODS
Source System:
Source system Connection
We use Source system connection to connect different
OLTP applications to SAP BW.
We have different adapters / connectors available:
- SAP Connection Manual
- SAP Connection Automatic
these connections are used to connect any SAP application to SAP BW by RFC
we use this connection to connect SAP R/3, SAP APO,SAP CRM to SAP BW
- My Self Connection:
use this connector to connect SAP BW to the Same SAP BW server.
generally use this to load data from one Info Cube to another Info Cube.
- Falt file Interface:
use this adaptor to load data from flat files (It only supports ASCII or CSV
- DB connect
use this connector to connect any SAP certified database to SAP BW.(Certfied
databases like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2…)
- External Systems with BAPI
use this connector to connect any 3rd party ETL tools like
Informatics or Data Stage.
Info Package:
- Info package is used to schedule the loading process.
- Info package is specific to data source
- All properties what we see in the info package depends on the properties of the DataSouce.
Business Explorer[BEx]:
We use BEx components to design all the reports in SAP
RSA1: [Administrator workbench]:
- Modeling
create the BW objects like (Info Area, Info Objects, Info Cube, Info Source,
ODS, Multi Provider, Info Set)
do perform procedures to load data into these objects.
- Monitoring
monitor all the BW Objects
do even monitor the Loading Process
- Reporting Agent
To run
/ schedule the BEx reports in the background.
- Transport Connection
use tab to transport the objects from one BW server to another
- Documents
Document Services), used to maintain documents within SAP BW
- Business Content
the BC objects will be in Delivered version, But if we need to use the objects
they sholud be available in Active version, So in the Business Content Tab - we
install the Business content objects ( Creating a Copy of the Deliverd version
objects into Active Version)
- Translation:
use this tab to translate the objects from one Language to another Language
we translate an object only Description of an Object will change but not the
Technical Name
- Meta Data:
data is nothing but data about Data
Data is Maintained in Meta Data Repository maintained by Meta Data Manager
Study – 1
System connection Between Flat file and SAP BW.
1) Design
the Info Cube.
2) Implement
the Design in SAP BW
2.1) Create the Info Area
2.2) Create the Info Object Catalogs
2.3) Create the Info Objects
2.4) Create the Info Cube
2.5) Loading the Info Cube from Flat
2.5.1) Created the Application
2.5.2) Create the Info Source
2.5.3) Assign the Data Source to
Info Source
2.5.4) Activate the Transfer rules
2.5.5) Create the Update Rules
2.5.6) Create the Info Package and
schedule the load
Deleting Data in Info Cube:
- 1) Deleting data based on the request
- 2) Delete Data
- 3) Selective deletion
When we start the
Infopackage SAP BW triggers the loading process with the below steps:
SAP BW sends a request to the source system
It gets confirmation “OK” from the source
Then SAP BW send the data request
Based on the Data Selections, the data is
extraction from the source system
The same data is transferred to SAP BW
(Transfer methods PSA & IDOC)
Then the data is loaded into the Data
target through Transfer rules & update rules.
- Presistant Staging Area
- It is a 2 Dimensional Table.
- Data is transferred directly to PSA table and Information is transferred through Info IDoc’s
- When we activate the transfer rule with PSA as the Transfer method, the system will automatically create the PSA table.
- Every Data Source will have its own PSA table.
- We can find the PSA table of a Data Source by using the T-code SE11
- Structure of the PSA Table:- Transfer structure + 4 technical fields (Request No, Data packet ID, Record No, Partition No).
- PSA holds Replica of data coming from Source.
- We can do editing in PSA
- Error handling is possible with PSA
- We can reload the records from PSA to the Data target by using - Reconstruction
- We can delete data in PSA (Generally we delete data in PSA which is older than 7 days)
- Allowing Special Characters into SAP BW - RSKC [76].
- Intermediate Document
- It is the Standard used to transfer the data in SAP environment.
- Data is transferred through Data Idoc's and Information is transferred through Info IDoc's.
- IDoc Maintenance
Full Update:
It extracts all the records from the Source system with
respective to data Selections.
Initialize Delta Update:
It is similar to Full update but enables us to run the
Delta updates once the init is successful
Delta Update:
It only extracts the data what is newly created or
modified since the last update.
- With whatever data selections we run the init update, delta update also should run with the same data selection
- In the Infopackage we can see the Delta update option only if the data source supports delta.
Transfer Rules:
By using transfer rules, we can do mapping between
Transfer structure & communication structure.
Types of transfer rules:
- 1) Direct Mapping: We use option to map the value from a source field in the Transfer structure to the target Info object in the communication structure.
- 2) Constant: We use option to specify a fixed/constant value for the records loaded through transfer rules.
- 3) Formula: we use option to implement a formula by using Formula editor.
- 4) Routine [Transfer Routine]: when use this option to transform the data by using ABAP/4 code. When implementing a transfer routine we must refer to the fields by using the structure name as “TRAN_STRUCTURE” i.e, [TRAN_STRUCTURE-/BIC/PRICE]. When debugging the name of the transfer routine will be formed as COMPUTE_FIELDNAME.
Update rules specify the mapping between Source object
and Target object. We use update rules to perform all kind of Transformations.
Update rules update the data into the data target.
Types of Update rules:
- Source Keyfigure or Direct Mapping
- Formula: we use option to implement a formula by using Formula editor.
- Routine or Update routine: when use this option to transform the value of a key figure by using ABAP/4 code. When implementing an update routine we must refer to the fields by using the structure name as “COMM_STRUCTURE” i.e, [COMM_STRUCTURE-/BIC/PRICE]. When debugging the name of the update routine will be formed as ROUTINE_001.
- Routine with Unit: when use this option to transform the value of a key figure and also value of the unit characteristic associated with it by using ABAP/4 code
- Source char or Direct Mapping
- Constant
- Master Data Attribute of: we use this option to feed value by doing lookup to the master data tables.
- Formula
- Routine
- Initial Value: Populates no value (by default NULL)
Time Characteristics:
- Source char or Direct Mapping (Automatic Time Conversion)
- Constant
- Master Data Attribute of: we use this option to feed value by doing lookup to the master data tables.
- Formula Routine
- Initial Value: Populates no value (by default NULL)
- Time Distribution: we use the option to distribution values from Higher level Time characteristics to Lower level Time characteristics.
Start Routine:
- Start routine is executed before individual update rules.
- Start routine is executed packet by packet.
- So we use start routine to perform or implement any kind of logic which is supposed to get executed before update rules.
- When implementing start routine we use an INTERNAL TABLE – DATA_PACKAGE.
- Sample code:
Return Table:
We use this option when we want to split one record
from the source to multiple records in the data target.
Difference between Update rules & Transfer rules:
Transfer Rules
Update Rules
Rules will just Transfer the data
Rules will update the data into data target
rules are specific to source system
rules are specific to Data Target.
Different Data flow Designs:
One InfoSource to Multiple Data Target – Yes
Multiple InfoSource to Single Data Target – Yes
One InfoSource can be assigned with multiple DataSources – yes
DataSource cannot be assigned to multiple InfoSources
Master Data:
Detailed Information about any Entity is
called as Master Data.
Ex:- Detailed information about a customer
– Customer Master data
In SAP BW, we have 3 types of Master data:
ATTR: is used store all the attributes
/ properties of an entity.
Text: is used to store all the
descriptions in different languages
HIER: is used to store parent-child
How to load Master data ATTR & TEXT from Flatfile
Create the Application component
Create the Info Source of type Direct
Assign the DataSource to InfoSource
Activate the Transfer rules for ATTR
& Text DataSources
Create the Info Packages and schedule
the loads
Note:- we need to create one
Infopackage for ATTR DataSource and one for Text DataSource
When do we go for hierarchies:
When the Characteristics are related as 1:M and in the Reporting if we need to display the values by using hierarchies (Tree like display)
Types of Hierarchies:
- Hierarchy Not Time dependent
- Hierarchy Structure Dependent on Time
- How to load Hierarchy from the flat file?
- Create the Info Source
- Assign the Data Source
- Create the file as per the Hierarchy
- Create the Infopackage and schedule the load
Reference & Template:
If we have an info object 'A', when we create the Info
object 'B' by taking 'A' as the reference, all the properties of 'A' are copied
towards 'B' and we cannot change any properties to 'B', We cannot load any data
to the info object 'B' but it refers to the data / data dictionary tables of
main info object 'A'.
If we have an info object 'A', when we create the Info
object 'C' by taking 'A' as the Template, all the properties of 'A' are copied
towards 'C' and we can change the
properties of 'C', we can load the seperate master data for the info object
When do we go with reference:
When we want to create the new master data object which
is supposed to hold the data which is already a sub set of some other Master
data objects, we go for creating the Master data object with reference.
Reference Example:-
- Sold to Party , Ship to
Party, Bill to Party, Payer are created with reference to Customer.
- Sende r Cost Center and Reciever Cost
Center are created with reference to Cost Center.
Converting Master Data as Data Target:
ODS: (Operational Data Store)
ODS is also an Info Provider like Info Cube.
ODS is a 2 dimensional.
the Property of ODS is : Overwrite.
We perfer ODS to do detailed level of reporting
we also use ODS for Staging.
New Data Table
Active Data Table
Change Log
1. Active Data Table:
Structure: - All Key Fields [Primary Key]+ All
data Fields + Recordmode
Active data table will be the Source when we
schedule Init / Full update for Data Mart
2. New data Table:
Structure: - Technical Keys [loading Request
No + Data packet no + Record No] (Primary Key) + All Key Fields + All data
Fields + Recordmode
First table where the data is staged in ODS.
3. Change Log Table:
- - /BIC/B000*
- - Structure: - Technical Keys [Activation Request No + Data packet no + Record No + Partin no] (Primary Key) + All Key Fields + All data Fields + Recordmode
- - Registry of all the changes in the ODS.
- - Change log table will be the Source when we schedule Delta update for Data Mart
Points to be noted:
- when we design a report on the ODS, it fetches data from the active data table.
- When we load data from ODS to info cube with "Full update / Initialize delta update", it takes the data from Actve data table of the ODS.
- When we load data from ODS to info cube with "Delta update", it takes the data from Change log table of the ODS.
- Note : Max no. of Key fields : 16
- We cannot use keyfigures in the Key fields.
How does the overwrite functionality works by
using thes tables:
when we load data into ODS, initially the data is loaded
into New Data table. By using "Set quality status to OK" we convert
the request status from yellow to green. once the request status is green we
"Activate the DATA in ODS" - It delets the records in the new Data table
and then moves the records from new Data table to Activa data table by
overwriting the records if it finds the records with the same key field
combination and maintains respective entries in change log table.
How to create the ODS?
How to
load data into ODS from Flat file ?
1) Flat file source system connection should be ready
2) Flat file should be ready
- 1. Create the Application Component
- 2. Create the Info Source - [ flexible update ].
- 3. Assign the Data Source to Info Source
- 4. Connect ODS to the Info Source with Update rules.
- 5. Create the info package and run the load.
Delete Data
- It deletes all the contents in
all the three tables.
Deleting based on a Request
- It deltes data in all the
tables .
- When we delete a request in a
ODS it deletes the selected request and all the requests above it.
Selective Deletion
- When we want to delete the
records in the ODS based on the values of a particular Characteristic.
- It Deletes
data only in Active Data Table.
Delete Change log Data
- It deletes data only in the
change log table based on the request
(no of days, before particular date).
/ Donot condense into Single reguest
- When
we are activating multiple request in a ODS at a time, if we select the option
request will have its own Activaion request. if you dont select the option
the request will have the same activation request. So if we delete a particular
request, it deletes all the other request in the ODS with the same Activation
Activation Serially / Parallel
Data Marts:
Case 1:
Case 1:
Loading Data from ODS to Info Cube
1) Myself Source System Connection
2) Application Component - Data Mart (DM)
1) Identify the Source object and the Target Object.
SO -
TO -
2) Check whether the Source Object has got the "EXPORT
GENERATE DATA SOURCE". If it is not there we have to explicitly generate
SO -
yo_sd01 - EGDS - 8yo_sd01
3) Connect the Source object to the Target Object with the
help of Update rules.
4) Find the Info source which gets created automatically
when we build the update rules and this Info source is also assigned with
Myself source system connection under the Application Component (Data Marts).
5) Create the Info Package and Schedule the load.
Case 2:
Loading Data from Info cube to Info Cube
1) Myself Source System Connection
2) Application Component - Data Mart (DM)
1) Identify the Source object and the Target Object.
SO -
TO -
2) Check whether the Source Object has got the "EXPORT
GENERATE DATA SOURCE". If it is not there we have to explicitly generate
3) Connect the Source object to the Target Object with the
help of Update rules.
4) Find the Info source which gets created automatically
when we build the update rules and this Info source is also assigned with
Myself source system connection under the Application Component (Data Marts).
5) Create the Info Package and Schedule the load.
- How to correct the Delta Load ?
- Different Update Mechanisims to different Data Targets?
- Different Update Mechanisims to different Data Targets?
In case of ODS : we cannot do a "Full update"
after doing "INIT" or "DELTA" updates because this will
reset the Delta Management of the ODS. So to overcome with this problem we use
"Repair Full Request".
In case of ODS : When we already have the full updates done
to the ODS, The ODS will Not accept to load data with "INIT and DELTA
updates" . So by using the Function Module -
"RSSM_REQUEST_REPAIR_FULL_FLAG" we convert all the request with
DSO(Data Store Object)Delta Concepts ABR,AIE,ADD Methods
Delta Concepts ABR,AIE,ADD Methods
Management of DataStore Object (DSO)
Management of DataStore Object (DSO)
Record Mode Concept in Delta Management
Record Mode Concept in Delta Management
Step by Step Procedure for DSO Creation
Step by Step Procedure for DSO Creation
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1- Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1- Standard DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 2- Write-Optimized DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 2- Write-Optimized DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 3- Direct Update DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 3- Direct Update DSO
Explore Data Source-Part1
Exploring Data Sources – Part 2
Better View of Data Source Features in BW 7.0
DSO(Data Store Object)
A DataStore object serves as a storage location for consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data on a document (atomic) level.
This data can be evaluated using a BEx query.
A DataStore object contains key fields (such as document number, document item) and data fields that, in addition to key figures, can also contain character fields (such as order status, customer). The data from a DataStore object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes (standard) and/or other DataStore objects or master data tables (attributes or texts) in the same system or across different systems.
Unlike multidimensional data storage using InfoCubes, the data in DataStore objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables. The system does not create fact tables or dimension tables.
Overview of DataStore Object Types
Data Supply
SID Generation
Standard DataStore Object
Consists of three tables: activation queue, table of active data, change log
From data transfer process
| ||
Write-Optimized DataStore Objects
Consists of the table of active data only
From data transfer process
| ||
DataStore Objects for Direct Update
Consists of the table of active data only
From APIs
You can find more information about management and further processing of DataStore objects under:
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 1- Standard DSOUnderstanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 2- Write-Optimized DSO
Understanding DSO (DataStore Object) Part 3- Direct Update DSO
A Data Store object in SAP Net Weaver 2004s BI is the successor of the ODS object from earlier BI releases. This name change was aligned with the prevalent data warehousing terminology. A Data Store object stores consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data at document level and item level (basic level) from one or several data sources. This data can be evaluated using a Bex query (primarily for supporting the operational reporting).
A DataStore object contains key fields (for example document number, document item) and data fields that can also contain characteristics (for example, order status, customer) in addition to key figures. The data for a Data Store object can be updated by delta update into Info Cubes and/or further Data Store objects or master data tables (attributes or texts) in the same system or across systems. Unlike multi-dimensional data storage using Info Cubes, the data in Data Store objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables. Fact and dimension tables are not created.
its a very good blog
ReplyDeletecan u send me the real time scenarios