BI 7.0 performance improvements
I just want to give you an overview and not go into deep details or exact instructions. Just wanna give you some points from where you can start your analyze and tune your system. You should try out all the tables, views and transactions by yourself.
- Performance issues in summary
- Query performance analyse
- Cache monitor
- ST03n
- ST13
- ST14
- Statistics
- ST02
- BW Administration Cockpit
- Optimizing performance of InfoProviders
- ILM (Information Lifecycle Management)
- Query analyzing example
- General Hints
1. The common reasons for performance issues in summary
Causes for high DB-runtimes of queries
- no aggregates/BWA
- DB-statistics are missing
- Indexes not updated
- read mode of the query is not optimal
- small sized PSAPTEMP
- DB-parameters not optimal (memory and buffer)
- HW: buffer, I/O, CPU, memory are not sufficient
- Useage of OLAP Cache?
Causes for high OLAP runtimes
- high amount of transmitted cells, because read mode is not optimal
- user exits in query execution
- usage of big hirarchies
Causes for high frontend runtimes
- high amount of transmitted cells and formattings to the front-end
- high latencies in refering WAN/LAN
- insuffincient client hardware
2. Query performance analyse
I think this is a really important point (including the OLAP cache) and should be explained a little bit deeper.TA RSRT
To get exact runtimes for before/after analyze use this transaction with or without Cache/BWA etc.
choose query execute and debug -> don´t use cache -> show statistic data
Button Properties
activate cache mode (also able to activate for the whole InfoProvider)
you should use the grouping, if you use multiprovider where data of only one Cube are changed independent from the other ones. So you can avoid the invalidation of the cache.
Following grouping procedures are available:
1) no grouping
2) grouping depending on InfoProvider Types
3) grouping depending on InfoProvider Types InfoCubes Seperately
4) every Provider seperate
1) All results of an Infoprovider are stored together. If data of one of the Infoprovider are changed the whole cache must be recreated. This setting should be used when all the Infoprovider, which are used from the multiprovider, have the same load cycle.
2) All the results are stored grouped by the type of the InfoProvider. This option should be used when a basic InfoCubes are combined with an realtime InfoCube.
3) Is the same as 2) with additionally the feature that every result of an Infocubes are stored seperately. It should be used when you change/fill the cubes independent from each other.
4) Every results of a provider will be stored seperated (independent from the type). This option should be used when not only, but also other provider types InfoCubes are updated seperately.
2.1 RSRT Query Properties
You can turn off parallel processing for a single query. In the case of queries with very fast response times, the effort required for parallel processing can be greater than the potential time gain. In this case, it may also make sense to turn off parallel processing.Just play a little bit with RSRT and the different optionsto get the optimal settings for your queries!
There are also some special read modes for a query. In the most cases the best choice is 'H' (Query to be read when you navigate or expand hierarchies - more information)
2.1 RSRT Query properties with grouping
- Technical Info- Performance Info
-> Useage of aggregates, Cache (+delta), compression, status of requests
3. Cache monitor
jump from RSRT into Cache monitor (TA: RSRCACHE)
Cache parameters
General infos about cache parameters, check them if they (runtime object and shared memory) are all well sized. Therefore have also a look at the sap help.
There are 2 types of OLAP Cache, Cross-transaction cache and Local Cache (details on
!!!One thing you must know: the local cache is used in the following cases:
Main memory -> Objects inside in list or hirarchy display -> technical info (usage of selected cache)
Check also buffer consumption under buffer monitor (Exp/ImpMem) and buffer overview (Exp./ Imp. SHM).
Check for which query it does make sense to save them in the OLAP cache, recommendations from SAP:
How often the query is requested
For detailed information which of the following modes should be used check sap help :
jump from RSRT into Cache monitor (TA: RSRCACHE)
Cache parameters
General infos about cache parameters, check them if they (runtime object and shared memory) are all well sized. Therefore have also a look at the sap help.
There are 2 types of OLAP Cache, Cross-transaction cache and Local Cache (details on
!!!One thing you must know: the local cache is used in the following cases:
- When the cross-transactional cache has been deactivated (see the parameter Cache Inactive).
- When the cache was deactivated for the InfoProvider (for all future queries) or the query
- If you determine during runtime that caching cannot take place
Main memory -> Objects inside in list or hirarchy display -> technical info (usage of selected cache)
Check also buffer consumption under buffer monitor (Exp/ImpMem) and buffer overview (Exp./ Imp. SHM).
Check for which query it does make sense to save them in the OLAP cache, recommendations from SAP:
How often the query is requested
We recommend that you save queries that are requested very frequently in the cache. Main memory cache is very fast, but limited in size. By displacing cached data, you can cancel out main memory limitations, but this also affects system performance. There are practically no limitations on the memory space available in the database or in the file system for the persistent cache. Accessing compressed data directly in the persistent cache also improves performance.
The complexity of the query
Caching improves performance for queries whose evaluation is more complex. We recommend that you keep complex data processed by the OLAP processor in the cache. (Therefore the cache mode Main Memory Without Swapping is less suitable for such queries.)
How often data is loaded
The cache does not provide an advantage if query-relevant data is frequently changed and therefore has to be loaded frequently, since the cache has to be regenerated every time. If cached data is kept in main memory, data from queries that are called frequently can be displaced, so that calling the data takes more timeFor detailed information which of the following modes should be used check sap help :
- Cache is Inactive (0)
- Main Memory Cache Without Swapping (1)
- Main Memory Cache with Swapping (2)
- Persistent Cache per Application Server (3)
- Cross-Application Server Persistent Cache (4)
- BLOB/Cluster Enhanced (5)
4. System load Monitor ST03n
ST03N (modi expert) -> click on BI system load to get data like:
- Query runtimes (seperated BEx, BEx Web (ABAP / JAVA)
- Process chain runtimes
- DTP runtimes
- Aggregate usage
5. ST13 Analyze & Service Toolset (depends on your ST-A/PI level)
there you can find some well known reports like RSECNOTE, but also new BI tools:
BPSTOOLS | BW-BPS Performance Toolset |
BIIPTOOLS | BI-IP Performance Toolset |
BW_QUERY_ACCESSES | BW: aggregate/InfoCube accesses of queries |
BW_QUERY_USAGE | BW: query usage statistics |
BW-TOOLS | BW Tools (PC Analyze, Request analyse, Aggregate toolset, IP Analyse, DTP request analyse and IO Usage) |
TABLE_ANALYSIS | Table Analysis Tools |
These tools use all RSDD* tables/views and displays them in a colorful and sorted way.
6. ST14
ST14 -> Business Warehouse -> plan analyze -> client 010 choose date , Basis Data (Top Objects) and Basis: Determine Top DB Objects and schedule it
you will get a great analyze for your whole BI system, including
- top 30 PSA, E-fact, F-fact, Dimension, master data tables, change logs, Cubes ODS/DSO, Aggregates and some special infos for BWA
- for those who use oracle also Tables with more than 100 partitions
- the upload performance for the last weeks
- Compression rate
- result of SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS (D- and E-tables in relation to the F-tables)
If you have trouble with the growth of your system this is a great entry point to start your analyze to find out where the space is gone ;)
So you know now which requests should be compressed and how to get rid of partitions (maybe repartitioning; rsa1 -> administation -> repartitioning), but keep in mind that repartitioning creates shadow tables in namespace /BIC/4E<InfoCubename> and /BIC/4F<InfoCubename>.
This tables are exists until the next repartitioning, so you can delete them after the repartitioning is completed. Locate and delete empty F-partitions via report SAP_DROP_EMPTY_FPARTITION (note 430486)
Views RSDDSTAT_OLAP (OLAP + Frontend statistics) RSDDSTAT_DM (multiprovider, aggregate-split, DB access time, rfc time)
Use TA SE11 to view there content.
Column AGGRAGATE to identify if it´s using aggregates or the BWA: aggregates are 1xxxxxx and BWA-Indizes with <InfoCube>$X
How to delete statistics
TA RSDDSTAT (manual deletion)
setting up the tracelevel of queries and setting up deleletion of statistics
automatical deletion
date is relating field Starttime in table RSDDSTATINFO
check every instance for swaps -> double click on the red marked lines and then click on current parameters and you will see which parameter you should increase.
Please read the sap help for each parameter it could be that there are dependencies!
(Memory and Buffer).
There are two possible reasons for swapping:
Note : Before you change the settings, also have an eye on the pools via tool sappfpar! (on OS as sidadm: sappfpar check pf=<path-to-profile> )
So you know now which requests should be compressed and how to get rid of partitions (maybe repartitioning; rsa1 -> administation -> repartitioning), but keep in mind that repartitioning creates shadow tables in namespace /BIC/4E<InfoCubename> and /BIC/4F<InfoCubename>.
This tables are exists until the next repartitioning, so you can delete them after the repartitioning is completed. Locate and delete empty F-partitions via report SAP_DROP_EMPTY_FPARTITION (note 430486)
7. Statistics
TA: RSDDSTAT statistic recording (tracing) settings for for Infoprovider/queries etc.Views RSDDSTAT_OLAP (OLAP + Frontend statistics) RSDDSTAT_DM (multiprovider, aggregate-split, DB access time, rfc time)
Use TA SE11 to view there content.
Column AGGRAGATE to identify if it´s using aggregates or the BWA: aggregates are 1xxxxxx and BWA-Indizes with <InfoCube>$X
How to delete statistics
TA RSDDSTAT (manual deletion)
setting up the tracelevel of queries and setting up deleletion of statistics
automatical deletion
date is relating field Starttime in table RSDDSTATINFO
8. ST02
check every instance for swaps -> double click on the red marked lines and then click on current parameters and you will see which parameter you should increase.
Please read the sap help for each parameter it could be that there are dependencies!
(Memory and Buffer).
There are two possible reasons for swapping:
- There is no space left in the buffer data area -> buffer is too small
- There are no directory entries left -> Although there is enough space left in the buffer, no further objects can be loaded because the number of directory entries is limited -> increase the needed parameter for the directory entries!
Note : Before you change the settings, also have an eye on the pools via tool sappfpar! (on OS as sidadm: sappfpar check pf=<path-to-profile> )
9. Using the BW Administration Cockpit
Setup via SPRO (BI -> Seetings for BI Content -> Business Intelligence ->BI Adminstration Cockpit)Prerequisites:
- min. NW 7.0 Portal Stack 5 + BI Administration package 1.0
- implement technical content (TA: RSTCC_INST_BIAC)
- average and max. runtimes of queries
- PC runtimes
- trends for queries and bw-applications
- suggestion for obsolet PSA data
10. Optimizing performance of InfoProviders in summary
- Compress InfoCubes
- Partitioning (and repartitioning) of InfoCubes
- range partitioning (only for data base system which can handle partitions, e.g. oracle, DB2, MSSQL)
- clustering
- application level
11. ILM (Information Lifecycle Management)
- nearline (Vendors for nearline Storage are e.g. SAND Technology, EMC², FileTek, PBS ...)
- archiving (Archiving via fileserver or stape drives)
- deletion of data
Currently we don´t use any kind of ILM, but research is going on ;)
12. BWA Business Warehouse Accelerator (just a small summary):
- RSDDTREX_MEMORY_ESTIMATE (see screenshot)-> to estimate the memory consumption of the BWA for a specific InfoCube. That´s only the memory consumption and not the needed storage on the hard disk!
- RSDDV Display all your Indizes which are indexed by the BWA
- RSRV Analyze BW objects
- TREX_ADMIN_TOOL (standalone tool)
- Tables RSDDSTATTREX and RSDDSTATTREXSERV for analyzing the runtimes of BWA
- Table RSDDTREXDIR (Administration of the TREX Aggregates) , check this blog for more information
1) Report: RSDDTREX_INDEX_LOAD_UNLOAD to load or delete BWA Indizes from the memory of the BWA servers. This can also be done over the RSRV ->Tests in Transaction RSRV -> BI Accelerator -> BI Accelerator Performance Checks -> Load BIA index data into main memory/Delete BIA index data from main memory.
2) Optimize Rollup process with BWA-Delta-Index via RSRV (Tests in Transaction RSRV -> All Elementary Tests ->BI Accelerator ->BI Accelerator Performance Checks -> Propose Delta-Index for Indixes )
Note that the Delta index growth with every load. The Delta index should not be bigger than 10% of the main index. If this is the case -> merge both indexes via report RSDDTREX_DELTAINDEX_MERGE
3) Use the BWA/BIA Index Maintenance Wizard for DFI Support or the option 'Always keep all BIA index data in main store'. So they won´t be read from the disk, they stay always in memory! You can also activate and monitore DFI support via the trexadmin standalone tool. Control your memory consumption of BWA for this option!
ABAP Dictionary | ABAP Dictionary |
ABAP Objects | ABAP Objects |
ABAP Performance and Tuning | ABAP Performance and Tuning |
ABAP, General | ABAP, General |
Accelerated Application Delivery for SAP NetWeaver | Accelerated Application Delivery for SAP NetWeaver |
Alloy | Alloy |
Analytics | Analytics |
Application Server Infrastructure | Application Server Infrastructure |
AS Migration | AS Migration |
AS Preview Installation | AS Preview Installation |
ASAP Methodology and Project Management | ASAP Methodology and Project Management |
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